
Enterprise AI for deep tech industries

Our AI solutions help you discover and explore the technologies, companies, and ideas that enable your next product, service, or mission.

Powering entrepreneurial scientists and engineers across industries

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Worldwide tech discovery

Reduce time to market

Many places and organizations invest heavily in creating new technologies. They may already have created part of the solution for your problem. Our software helps you discover and explore these solutions at scale.

  • Ask in natural language
  • Real-time data
  • Customizable
  • Enterprise-level data privacy
Custom AI solutions

Get research superpowers for your product development team

By automating tasks that are time-consuming and necessary but ultimately not value-adding, our custom AI solutions free you to focus on higher-value tasks.

Custom agents for developing new business opportunities

We build custom AI agents that help you identify and develop new business opportunities, do the research on what already exists elsewhere, and model your team's decision and evaluation workflows.

Use your organization's R&D contents

Internal research reports and project documentation often end up in data silos. With Mergeflow hosted solutions, you can include all these contents into your tech discovery and exploration workflows.

Ready to get started?

Explore worldwide R&D and business topics, ideas and ventures from across the web, using natural language.

Free for 14 days. No credit card required.